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段晓敏,女,博士/副教授,主要的研究方向是信息几何及其应用。在《Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications》、《Applied Mathematics and Computation》、《SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences》、《物理学报》等本领域国内外知名期刊以第一作者身份发表SCI检索论文11篇,EI检索论文3篇。



[1] X. Duan, L. Feng, X. Zhao. Point Cloud Denoising Algorithm via Geometric Metrics on the Statistical Manifold, Applied Sciences, 13, 8264, 2023. (SCI)

[2] X. Duan, X. Ji, H. Sun, H. Guo, A non-iterative method for the difference of means on the Lie Group of symmetric positive-definite matrices. Mathematics, 10, 255, 2022. (SCI)

[3] X. Duan, H. Sun, L. Peng, Application of gradient descent algorithms based on geodesic distances. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 63, 152201:1-152201:11, 2020. (SCI)

[4] X. Duan, H. Sun, X. Zhao, A matrix information-geometric method for change-point detection of rigid body motion. Entropy, 21, 531, 2019. (SCI)

[5] X. Duan, H. Sun, X. Zhao, C. Shi, An extended Hamiltonian algorithm for the general linear matrix equation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 441, 1-10, 2016. (SCI)

[6] X. Duan, H. Sun, X. Zhao, Riemannian gradient algorithm for the numerical solution of linear matrix equations. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, Article ID 507175, 2014. (SCI)

[7] X. Duan, H. Sun, Z. Zhang, A natural gradient algorithm for the solution of algebraic Lyapunov equations based on the geodesic distance. Journal of Computational Mathematics, 32, 93-106, 2014.  (SCI)

[8] X. Duan, H. Sun, L. Peng, The alpha-geometric structures on manifold of positive definite Hermite matrices. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 30, 2137-2145, 2014.  (SCI)

[9] 段晓敏, 赵新玉, 孙华飞, 矩形表面波探头声场的高斯声束叠加法. 物理学报, 63, 014301, 2014. (Multi-Gaussian beam model for ultrasonic surface waves with angle beam rectangular transducers. Acta Physica Sinica, 63, 014301, 2014.)  (SCI&EI)

[10] X. Duan, H. Sun, L. Peng, X. Zhao, A natural gradient algorithm for the solution of discrete algebraic Lyapunov equations based on the geodesic distance. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219, 9899-9905, 2013. (SCI)

[11] X. Duan, H. Sun, L. Peng Riemannian means on special Euclidean group and unipotent matrices group. The Scientific World Journal, 2013, Article ID 292787, 2013. (SCI)

[12] X. Duan, A. Mu, H. Guo, X. Zhao, A manipulator pose planning algorithm based on matrix information geometry, Journal of Robotics, 2024, Article ID 6554373, 2024. (EI)

[13] 赵新玉, 陈婧阳, 段晓敏,超声相控阵距离幅度曲线计算方法. 声学学报, 46, 456-462, 2021. (EI)

[14] 段晓敏, 赵新玉,孙华飞, 等, 非线性矩阵方程数值解的广义哈密顿算法. 北京理工大学学报自然科学版, 40, 227-230, 2020. (EI)

[15] 段晓敏, 赵新玉,孙华飞, Stein方程数值解的黎曼梯度算法. 北京理工大学学报自然科学版, 36, 201-204, 2016. (EI)

[16] 段晓敏, 孙华飞, 非奇异Hermite矩阵流形上的Jacobi场. 北京理工大学学报自然科学版, 31, 1375-1378, 2011. (EI)


(1)矩阵李群的信息几何结构及其在若干问题中的算法研究(No. JYTMS20230010),辽宁省教育厅基本科研项目,5万,2023.9-2026.8,在研,主持;


(3)中国博士后科学基金面上基金(No.2015M581323),基于信息几何方法的矩阵方程优化算法研究,2015.11-2019.01、5万元,结题,主持 ;

(4)辽宁省自然科学基金(No.20180550112),矩阵李群的信息几何结构及其在控制领域的应用、2018.8-2020.8, 0万,结题,主持;

(5)辽宁省教育厅项目基础项目(No.JDL2019013),若干流形的信息几何结构及其在工程问题中的应用,2019.06-2020.12, 4万,结题,主持。

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